The Most Dishonest Campaign

Republican Campaign
Jim Roers, Shannon Roers Jones, and Jim Kasper don’t like it when their records are exposed, so they and their ‘friends’ funded with dark money are attacking the two Ben Hansons and Terri Hedman.
Roers, Roers Jones, and Kasper along with their ‘dark money’ friends have spent well over $200,000 in their campaign to retain their seats. This dishonest campaign wildly alleges a ‘liberal takeover’, ‘extremist’ views, and ‘failed’ representation. It’s all nonsense. Let’s just chalk up these ridiculous charges as ‘making crap up’.
Here are the facts. Ben M Hanson, Ben W Hanson and Terri Hedman REPORT their contributions. If you look at their campaign finance report, you won’t find anybody but personal friends and North Dakota citizens. The ‘dark money’ groups attacking them DO NOT. We have no idea what out of state corporations or wealthy individuals are funding these ads.
Now let’s look at some hard facts. Roers Construction (Roers, Roers Jones) sued NDSU over a construction project for $1.3 million. A claim that the architect stated was ‘a rewrite of history’ and ‘demonstrably untrue. Ultimately, Roers settled for $163,000, a fraction of his claim which makes us think that the architect was correct. More importantly, NDSU needs $125,000 in appropriated funds to pay Roers. That means Roers and Roers Jones are running for the legislature to act on an appropriations bill to make sure their company gets their lawsuit settlement. Interesting…
Jim Kasper is the poster child for unethical behavior. Jim accepted several trips to places like Montreal, Antigua, Las Vegas, Costa Rica, and the Bahamas in exchange for short presentation. None of Kasper’s trips were reported. They were funded by companies trying to make ND the ‘internet poker’ capital of the United States. He didn’t report them, we knew only because of reports published by the industry. Jim chairs the committee charged with dealing with ethics reform. Session after session, he blocked any ethics reform measure so the People of ND approved the ethics ballot measure in 2018. Since Jim would be a poor spokesman to fight the measure, Shannon Roers Jones became the face of ethics opposition. And despite her efforts 62% of District 46 voters said she was wrong and approved of the ethics ballot measure.
In 2020, all three voted to restrict the power of the people to initiate ballot measures because they think 62% of District 46 voters were wrong in 2018. They just don’t think their constituents can be trusted to make a decision.
Finally, in the midst of a pandemic, our three legislators remain silent on public health initiatives that could limit the spread of the virus.
Well, it is time to replace them with legislators who respect the voters of District 46. Hanson and Hanson for the House and Hedman for the Senate.